Tuesday, November 21, 2023

(#5406) The republican voter will rue the day when we lose our democracy because of them

      The US House of Representatives is controlled by the republican party. The House is the chamber of Congress that controls the money we as a nation spend on our governance and foreign aid. With the Russian invasion of Ukraine threatening Ukrainian democracy you would think that the House and the republicans who control it would be in support of keeping Ukraine and their desire for democracy a priority. But the House republican majority does not. They think that putin and Russia are more worthy of their support and will not allow an aid package for Ukraine to be forwarded.
     Think about that for a moment. The American republican party is not an advocate for democracy in Ukraine. Instead too many voices in the republican party are for letting putin take Ukraine and establish tyranny over the Ukrainian people. If I have this wrong please enlighten me? It is plain to see I don't have this wrong and that the republican party has gone from being pro democracy to pro putin and his tyrannical governance. So the republican voter who keeps republicans in power by extension are also pro putin and anti democracy. It is logic not some nonsense spewing from me. If you vote for republicans then you are voting to end democracy at minimum in Ukraine.
     What is worse is that republicans are attacking democracy here in America. The republican party is not an inclusive one given the many statements by their leaders. They would rather non white persons be left out of their ideal of what America should be unless of course as a servant or such thing. So not only are republicans anti democracy they are racist in their rhetoric. This is logic speaking, not me. I am only relaying the present condition in real time. If you vote for republicans you are voting for the worst of what humanity can become without honor or respect of all human beings. Just know who you are as a republican voter. Don't hide your baseness behind some wave of your hand and dismiss what is actually right in front of your face!

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