Saturday, November 18, 2023

(#5403) Why I advocate for Ukraine

      Democracy! In a nutshell. The Ukrainian people are striving to lift the yoke off their necks that putin and Russia have placed on them. They are striving to implement democratic principles as a governing ideal while authoritarian Russia would enslave them and make them serfs in their own country. It isn't hard to see the similarities from what Ukraine is doing right now in fighting for it's freedom and what we Americans did to claim our own freedom from the monarchical British. Whether monarchy or authoritarian, the tyranny of both is cruel and brutish with no absolute human rights.
     I live in a country, The United States, that has democracy and the rights of humans enshrined in its constitution. Ukraine does not but that is what they are fighting to achieve. I will always be against the forces that would enslave or dictate to folks their purpose for living. That is what putin's Russia is trying to do to the Ukrainian people and if successful many many more. So not only am I an advocate for Ukraine I am a fierce enemy of dictatorships and tyranny wherever they/it exists. Which is why Ukraine for now needs all of our support to thwart the ego maniacs like putin. Russia must be stopped and pushed back to their own borders with no mercy if necessary.
     We cannot count on the people of Russia to stop their tyrannical government so we in the west need to do the stopping through the Ukrainian people. Ukrainians can achieve their freedom if we in the west continue to supply them with the munitions and equipment they need. None of this is what Ukrainians want. They want peace and normalcy but Russia is not letting them so fighting back against the aggressor nation Russia is their only option. So let us not be shy in the west but instead strong and ready with our fists to help repel the Russian horde from their insane murderous quest to conquer democracy with the freedom and human rights democracy provides!

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