Monday, November 13, 2023

(#5398) Do not normalize republican anti democracy!

      It infuriates me to see too many folks who should know better being respectful and courteous to republican politicians when those very politicians are standing there with a bloody knife in their hands waiting to put another stab wound into the backs of the American working middle poor class. This may be a metaphor but to too many it feels as real as it gets. The republican party is not ashamed or embarrassed as they condescend to the many of us and in fact expect us to bend a knee to them as they see themselves our rulers not representatives.
     From voter restrictions to gerrymandering to now even Ohio republican leaders trying to change the outcome of abortion being enshrined into the Ohio state constitution. They don't care about the will of the people, which is the everything of democratic rule, instead they only care about stirring up resentment and chaos so that they can keep power, which is their only priority. When will the American electorate in massive numbers wake up to the fact that the republican party does not want democracy as it's governing principle. Which is why so many of them are putin fans and actively root against Ukraine and its struggle to implement its own democracy.
     We Americans are not the heroes in this historical moment if we don't rally around freedom, liberty, justice, and the pursuit of happiness with no harm for all. Democratic principles that underpin our constitution, declaration of independence, and our vision for the whole world. The insurrectionists in the republican party have not all been charged especially those who still hold political positions. We cannot have this and all who are part of trying to overthrow our government and those who still maneuver to deny democracy to American and foreign nations need to be held to an account that has the sting of punishment to it that will have no salve. Enemies foreign and domestic is a fact and we need to be able to root them out no matter who they are or what their station in life currently is!

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