Tuesday, November 14, 2023

(#5399) The rule of law must be rock hard no matter who commits a crime

      One thing we have learned from the trump fiasco is that our rule of law is less certain when wealthy or powerful people are breaking it. That cannot be allowed to happen. First there is no deserve nor dispensation written into the law that would allow some an escape from culpability. Regardless of station in life. No political public or private office holder is automatically excluded from adjudication despite their protests otherwise. If a court shows an individual is guilty of a crime then the punishment must be steady and continuous. There cannot be a just sentencing if justice is not blind to each person's guilt.
     Our international courts that are signatories of authorizing countries must also be firm and unyielding. Where crimes are committed then justice must be served. There cannot be turning a blind eye to any crime when it is convenient to not see it. If the rule of law is not foolproof in its application then our societies are a lie. If some may escape justice simply because they have the wherewithal to do so then having that wherewithal must be adjusted. There cannot be pathways to escape justice when the majority of us don't have those pathways to commit crimes and be excused from the cost of them. I have not seen one person who is deserving of harming others with impunity. I have seen many harm others with impunity but they do not deserve it. The rule of law must be applied equally or not at all!
     Let me say that again, the rule of law must be applied equally or not at all! Our society will never improve when there are some who can do as they please despite being against the law and many others who cannot. That is not democracy it is more tyrannical. The ideal of democracy is a perfect example of how we all share in the pursuit of happiness without harming each other but only if we are ALL held to account for our actions. Whether foreign or domestic all law breakers must be brought before a court where they must be judged by the rule of law and not by some special rules they make up as they see fit.

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