Wednesday, November 29, 2023

(#5414) trump knows he can't win so he is taking down the republican party

      The pact republicans made with trump is coming back to haunt them. If they were anywhere near savvy they would have found a way to silence him and move on. But no. They still think that he is their best option and cannot for the life of me see that he is their destruction. Me for the most part I am pretty happy about it all because it means that people will start seeing that democratic politics is actually their own politics less the violence, hatred, and misogyny. We democrats don't need to do too much except to sidestep away from the republican war on itself. We need to help explain what they are doing to each other and by extension us as well but for the most part just letting them talk is our best campaign advice.
     As the bickering and lack of cohesion by republicans continues unabated the fault lines are growing larger. There is still another 11 months to go for the next election but that isn't enough time for the republican party to heal itself when trump is the problem. He will bring his brand of confusion and chaos to their inner debates while controlling the narrative that republicans had hoped to hide. He lets the quiet part out about how republicans want to negate progress for the working middle poor class out into the public square with a unflinching regularity. So many key republicans are intertwined with him so that they cannot extricate themselves without causing themselves a world of hurt.
     So as the metaphorical trump ship goes down so do his republican political allies who have tied themselves to his ill fated future. There is no way back for them and when the voting time comes they will be so unpopular that for many of them to hang on to their Congressional seats will be no less a miracle. I will say this about the republican party, they brought this upon themselves. They got a short term benefit in 2016 and are now paying a tremendously high cost. That cost continues to accumulate as trump continues to control the republican narrative of deceit and intolerance. We dems need to just keep making progress on our working middle poor class policies and let the republicans through trump burn their own house down.

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