Friday, November 10, 2023

(#5395) A year of worry warts complaining about the coming election

      It is humorous to me and also tiring. I have been through enough of these elections over the last 50 years to have some idea about how they trend. The only election that actually caught me by surprise was 2016 when Hillary should have been our first woman president. But despite that fateful election the rest have been normally expected whether I thought that was good or bad. The same will be for 2024 when Joe Biden is re-elected by a very comfortable margin. As well the Senate will remain in democratic control and the House will also return to democratic control.
     Not because I am some extraordinary diviner of justice or fairness but because all of us are who care about such things. There are too many of us for the ridiculous republican party to overcome. I say ridiculous republican party but I actually mean much worse. The space between the differences in the democratic party and the republican party is vast. Which clears up so much of the confusion republicans are normally able to sow through their wealthy generated propaganda. It is perfectly clear democrats represent fairness for all classes but especially the working middle poor class while republicans only hold a special place in their cold dark hearts for the wealthy.
     But despite these facts some who only pay attention to elections during the election season often spend way too much time parroting talking points that are fed to them instead of researching their own understanding of what is actually happening in real time. I know many say that they are too busy in their lives to care about politics but I say I know you are too busy in your lives and it is because you don't care about politics. One feeds the other. Get informed and then watch your life simplify because there is no doubt as to your desire for the best of democracy and the foundational principles it ascribes to elevate through our social, political, economic, and logical lives.

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