Wednesday, November 22, 2023

(#5407) I am thankful for Ukraine

      What Ukraine has done for me through their courageous attitude toward the Russian giant is incalculable. The upstart Ukrainians were totally outgunned at the beginning of this latest Russian invasion back in February of 2022. Yet they stood tall and announced to the world that they would not relent to the fear many of them must have felt and instead leaned into their bravery and began the defense of their country with all their might. What has happened since then is miraculous. Suddenly the Russian giant isn't so tall and the Ukrainian fears have all but subsided.
     This in a nutshell is the single most impressive event of my later life. How the determined to be a free people Ukrainians mustered the will to fight for democracy with such resolve. I am humbled by their focus and fortitude. It has been nearly 2 years now since the Russian invasion but if anything the Ukrainian people are growing even stronger in their quest to be free from the shackles and cruelties of the brutish psychotic putin. For its part, Russia is being taught a lesson it has yet to fully comprehend. There are those in the world, like Ukrainians, who will not be intimidated by the bullies no matter who they are.
     I am thankful that a country halfway around the world is willing to die fighting for what in essence is American democracy. How proud I am of Ukrainians. They inspire me to rally my own part of the world to defend democracy at all costs. We here in America have what Ukraine is dying for right now and I will not let anyone take it from us even though that is a real threat with the republican party and the trump cabal. We the people is all of us, not just some of us like the privileged and advantaged. "We the people" is what I advocate for to keep our democracy alive and healthy. If it comes down to fighting I will, like my brothers and sisters in Ukraine, make the ultimate sacrifice in order to keep our democracy alive for all the generations yet to come. This really is bigger than any of us which is what the current Ukrainians are showing us now!

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