Tuesday, November 7, 2023

(#5392) The changing tides of my life, moving on or back where I once was...

      I do not plan what happens in my life except to give myself a chance to do the right thing. I am mostly successful at that for the most part but like all human beings I fall short, although with trying not to make mistakes. My intent is always solidly %100 to the good. So when something outside my control happens in my life and it directly affects me then I must deal with it. In this latest example it revolves around respect. If I am not respected to do basic functions that anyone can do then I take offense. I am no young person who needs a constant guidance in order to accomplish tasks.
     Looking deeper into the problem I see it isn't about me in particular that the problem exists but it does involve any person who would be a thinking person. Of which I am. So when I take my work seriously and try to do it in an efficient and smart way I do try that as a default position. Where the trouble comes in is that I have been let known that I am to do what I am told when I am told and nothing further. I suppose that approach is good for soldiers in the field during war but at a work environment where there is no pressure in a life or death situation it is absurd. I do get the need to follow some rules as to courtesy and customer relations. But to be left in the dark waiting for instructions that are often not delivered or when delivered far later than needed in simple situations and not allowed to know things that advance my work is beyond the border of the ridiculous.
     So a coming to a head moment happened yesterday and this week will assuredly be the end of my current position at the UHaul storage facility. I refuse to be a person who is treated like a child in ways that have nothing to do with learning. Some other person will have to be that but it won't be me. I have 68 years of accomplishments and successes behind me which should have given me some flexibility in how I manage my tasks and responsibilities. But not with this current supervisor. I will not be his lackey when all he had to do was treat me as a colleague. Again a much younger man who likes to control things beyond what is available as an opportunity. Well he has lost what could have been a great asset to him and will now have to find some willing monkey to dance for his grinder.

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