Sunday, November 19, 2023

(#5404) Fight for freedom; don't be a victim!

      I remember almost fifteen years ago when I started this daily blog thinking that I am about to put myself out there and come what may. I knew that some would be highly critical of my stancess on many issues despite them being positive and equal to all. There are a lot of forces out there that are ambivalent or hostile to American freedom under democracy. Yet the convincing argument to do this was that I am not a victim to others who would deny what our forefathers/mothers fought to bring to us. I am stronger than that and I will fight to keep our democracy no matter what the challenge to it is.
     So here I am today as proof that fighting to preserve our democracy is a value and a duty to living a good and honest life. I don't just fight for myself I fight for everyone who would join with me. I know I am not alone because many every day die trying to bring democracy to all in the world. This isn't just about me I know and is greater than myself. The good of the many outweighs the good of the one kind of Spock from Star Trek moment. I also know who I am. I am no subservient follower nor weakling who would shy away or hide from a battle that has the very essence of what it is to be human at stake.
     I am no great warrior but I will fight in the spirit of one to defend the better and best of who we humans are against those who would take our freedoms away. We humans care and we are curious. We have to have freedom to accomplish both these natures of ours. For those who are against freedom for all let me remind you that no one is better than another. Those who would try to think of themselves as greater than others have a defect within their souls and should never be allowed the trust of any, or more importantly, all of us. Which is why we all must find it within ourselves to fight and not hide from our daily battles to keep our freedom. Freedom is not free when others want to take it from you. So fight!

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