Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Stay in the light (#158)

I find that the light is where I can feel the most at home with myself. When I am in the dark, I feel more alone. The light is where I can see what is going on around me. Light gives me a sense of adventure. I want to exercise my curiosity and discover what is going on in life. Knowing that I prefer the light also sums up my thoughts when less than positive feelings or memories try to invade my present consciousness. The glass is half full with me not half empty. I have found out that anytime a less than positive thought enters my mind I can just push it right back out because I don't want to dwell on anything that takes away from my peace. There are exceptions to this however and life-threatening and harm stopping are most of them. I will not live in a world with my head in the sand nor will I live in a world that thrives on creating chaos for the sake of chaos. I am human and as such, I am also given to frailty and doubt. I don't have to nurture these human failings, I can conquer them by dismissing their attempts to invade my peaceful mindset. What I do is bring to my mind happy thoughts, good thoughts, thoughts that give me inspiration. I control what I think about, I also control how I think about them. I am not forced to be in a particular mood, I get to choose. Optimism is a way of life. I choose to employ it's values and principles as a working, functioning force in what I think and how I react to those thoughts. Today, I am always attempting to look for the light and surround myself in it.

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