Wednesday, May 12, 2010

A business model (#467)

Life really can be just this simple. I do not see the point of structuring business so that one type of work is exponentially valued above any other type of work. Maybe the idealism of honoring work as a practice as to it's being done well instead of some artificial category related to importance should be the standard. The ego is a powerful allure, it is real but it is also superficial to the real bounty of what life should be. It would make more sense to me if salary was structured in a way that did give value to the more complex attributes of company operators through a modestly higher income. With all sharing in the profits of the performance of the company. Even to the point of profit sharing with all directly involved third party companies and even to the purchasers of the company's product. Truly the profit would be shared with all who are a part of the success of the business. My reasoning on this is that regardless of whatever venture, enterprise or creative diversion, we must all do something with our time. My belief that in society we are all the equals to each other with different individual gifts, and as such society should not mainly reward only those with an ability to progress greed as an individual virtue. I have to do something anyway with my time in existence, why not share it with my fellow human beings?

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