Thursday, May 13, 2010

The perfection of my spirit (#468)

This seems like an impossible goal when it applies to me attaining it. However my spirit is finite within me and I sense that it can be perfect. How I apply my spirit will never be perfect since all my thoughts and actions must filter through my brain. It is logical though for me to get a real closeness with who I am on the inside of me. I spend enough time contemplating and meditating to understand the relationship I am forming within myself. I do not look at myself as a complete being rather as a being with different parts that make me one unit. My spirit part is my heart. It is where all my compassionate emotions dwell. I have come to the arena of emotions and have challenged my better emotions to subdue and quiet down my reckless passionate compulsions. It is no easy task to tamper down negative emotions I have been letting run wild within me for so many years but it is doable. The reason it is doable is that I now recognize the reason for their existence. I had previously had no idea I could be logical about whether they existed or not. It was under my control all along. Instead I believed that my reactions were of a natural instinct. I am the ultimate control of how I think and react and now knowing this is my key to the right type living I have been searching for my entire life. I am not captive to my reactions they are captive to me. I am the responsible party over how I reflect myself back to all that see and hear me. My spirit is in a good place now, right inside me waiting to be expressed in the true form it really is.

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