Friday, February 4, 2011

The illusion of complacency (#735)

If there is one thing I have learned in many forms of life it is that when I rest on my or others' accomplishments, I am already starting to lose those accomplishments. The ideal of vanquishing those things that have caused us harm is not absolute. There truly are human forces out there who would like nothing better than to maintain a superiority over others. Not in the usual sense of earned respect but of manipulated power. Even if I struggled for the entirety of my life to overcome a deficient societal abuse, I am not assured of defeating it. If I become complacent in my efforts I am even more likely to fail. The weariness that accompanies struggle to overcome is real and can be an obstacle to us. However, the alternative is to continue to be in a state of less than. I am sure those who would battle to retain ill-gotten power over others would assure you that if you just quit fighting things would be okay. I am not alive and living just so that someone can tell me that my life could be okay according to them. I am alive and living so that we all can determine what we define as okay. It always strikes me odd how some can not see the beauty in all life but only in their need to control it. I have and will continue to struggle against forces that do their best to deny the right of self-realization and opportunity for all of us humans. We don't need a patron for us to plead to about what we want, we need a society that automatically addresses our needs without us having to beg. The genesis of society must be at the level where all live and not where only some came attain. For us to realize our society for all we must never become complacent in our march toward it.

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