Thursday, February 3, 2011

The strength of the mind (#734)

How far can one be pushed? How long can one endure? Two questions that have an individual answer for all of us. The ability to stand for what is believed to be correct and the strength to continue to stand is what we all will know at least once in our lives. Determination and conviction couple to help us define who we are. The lengths I will go and have gone are a testament to my right to be alive in this existence. I scream at no one in particular that I am here and I matter. It is instinctual within me to validate and verify that I am not some mistake of nature and that I have a purpose beyond my own knowing. Where does this expression of my existence come from? It is in my heart and soul that I recognize the human sensations that trigger my mind to say, I am here and I do matter. My mind is the center of analysis for the reasonings that formulate within me. It is in my mind that I take my emotions and logic and apply them to some force of thought and action. My mind is the catalyst for what I am ready to reflect out to others. My heart and soul give me the premise information and my mind gives me the conclusions for which I chose to identify myself with. It is then back to my emotions for the impetus to act. Shall I be courageous and act with principled logic? Or shall I hold back and not follow the logic through action but only in thought? Who am I and what is it I scream at no one in particular to announce I am worthy of life? My actions, not just my thoughts are perhaps fated for me here in this existence. Fear will have it's way if I let it but if I don't let it I must still act to express my will. The strength of my mind is centered on the existence of who I am and if I am truly alive.

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