Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The best of who we are (#886)

Within all of us is a knowledge of what we should do to be right with ourselves. A consciousness that guides our principles. What has happened is that we tend to dismiss our moral/ethical compasses when we see an advantage that benefits us somehow. Instead we should be holding ideals up in almost every instance. Nothing is absolute, therefore, there could exist a situation where principle must take a back seat to another priority. I cannot think of one but regardless of my imperfect abilities, I must acknowledge that in a non-absolute world a possibility exists, in theory. However, as abstract as that was, we humans seem to have lowered our standards to such simplistic levels that we now see something done wrong and cynically shrug our metaphorical shoulders and accept it as what everyone is doing. Not that it is right but that it is acceptable. That is the tragedy of our society at the moment and in the past, we are willing to accept a less-than principled outcome for our overall actions. We are creatures of the status quo, rarely questioning our motives as long as we are having some need fulfilled. Sometimes I am left to wonder if our natures are so buried within our resignation that we lose complete sight of our basic will to overcome that which is in contradiction to our hopes. A subjection to lesser ideas for living in exchange for less struggle to achieve. It is unfortunate that we as a species do not control our system of living to amplify our best natures from birth to death but instead waste our greatest potential on trivial survival techniques. We are not subjects to be used and discarded, we are miracles to be nurtured and loosed on the unknown. Currently our potential is fettered and harnessed by paradigms designed to suppress them. What should be, as a system for us, is a designed process that highlights our inner strengths and knowledge to maximize our personal potentials. Letting the best of who we are out.

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