Saturday, July 23, 2011

Peace is in being still (#904)

The quiet act of nothingness. I am a big fan of not moving in any direction. Time will continue regardless of what I am doing or not doing. In that awareness, I find my purpose for whatever thought or action that is next required of me. Whether survival or enlightenment, the motion I expend must be in forwarding my principles and their ideals. It only comes to me when I choose to be still, then I can next move where I need to go. Even in typing this post the pauses I experience are part of the texture of what is being expressed here. As old as I am now and trying to change my behavior that has been with me since childhood is challenging but not impossible. Even the nervous back and forth of my knee or foot or the constant touching of my hair or face is what I am trying to stop doing. I don't need to let my mind wander to places and ideas as if a short film is constantly running in my head. Just being still in this very moment and on into the next is the value I am trying to achieve. Meditation is one form of what I am talking about here but not what I am mainly describing. For me, just to not think or have any thought come into my mind while I am just listening to the noises in my surroundings. I know it is difficult not to think because if I am like everyone else it seems that there is always something that needs to be thought about. However, I find that I don't need to prethink a lot of things but instead just trust my intuition and let my principled life express itself in real time. Trusting that what I really care about will show itself as true. These thoughts come from being still and knowing the peace that being still brings. It is a process that works for me.

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