Friday, December 7, 2012

Emotion and intellect (#1407)

That which is our most human quality is our emotion. We are thinkers for sure and that as well is a quality that is necessary for our species to survive, however it is not why we survive. We survive because we have a will to survive and married to that will is our caring. It is curious that we are able to sense and experience our caring from a bird's eye view and that is where our intellect comes in. First we survive through our emotion and all of it is recorded through our intellect. Now our intellect has also caused us to survive by creating strategies that help us thwart common and uncommon dangers. For the most part though, our emotion is the thread that weaves it's way through every aspect of our being. Recognizing that we exist because we care is the first foundation for our species to build from when we try to understand what a society of our greatest efficiency looks like. There are many ways our society can build it's evolving paradigms but first we must begin from our emotion. Now to say just emotion is not specific enough. Now that we can describe and communicate our emotions we must realize that a civilization based upon the honorable instincts of our emotions is the only great value. Doing no harm to each other prevails as the respectable and noble principle we all should practice. Anything less devalues what great achievement human beings' existence has progressed. What the future holds and why we exist are questions yet to be answered however, putting what is best about us to the fore in our lives is what we know we can and should do, those are answers within all of us waiting out time. Shall we wait no longer?

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