Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Doing things right brings about confidence (#1468)

This has been my experience. I am most confident when I have accomplished a good thing. I am least confident when I have done something wrong. For me, these are almost universally true. Now that I am a member of the human species and like King Solomon is quoted as saying, "there is nothing new under the sun", I can generally assume that others have the same reaction about confidence as I. Why is confidence important? Well let me say this, when I am confident about what I am doing or about to do, it is because I have an expectation of something good happening. I know that expectations are usually troublesome, but when my intent and vision for a better tomorrow is coupled with common sense and an open mind, expectation can be uplifting. As a general rule though, expectation is better when not considered. However, I have strayed from my subject matter somewhat but that is quickly remedied. Confidence is also a subject matter that can have dire results when the confidence is illogical. Seeking to do a false good thing, is just the same as doing harm and that cannot nor should not be allowed to happen. Confidence in doing something right has to be acceptable to most who can evaluate the merits of the subject being improved upon. Confidence in doing a thing should not be utilized when the facts of the thing are not clear. Guessing is more like what that is and confusing the two and claiming absolutism about it is a lie. Confidence is a sense of an earned understanding and should never be improperly measured. We should build our confidence from the many little things in life that are of a positive nature and then allow ourselves the privilege to task to larger, more influential issues.  

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