Friday, March 1, 2013

Nattering Nabobs of negativity (#1491)

William Safire wrote this term for a speech by former Vice-President Spiro Agnew. It literally refers to this: "...chattering by persons of great wealth or prominence that is marked by features of hostility, withdrawal, or pessimism that hinder or oppose constructive treatment or development."-Beth, Old Musings. I use this term today to highlight what has become of many in the mainstream media who have taken to punditry instead of reporting. If something that is being offered as news does not make sense then don't make it more chaotic just report the nonsense with the truth that it doesn't make sense to you. Too many in the media are trying to be smarter than is humanly possible on too many subjects. Especially now that we have a political party (Republicans) who are all about misinformation and misdirection. The powers behind the Republican party now have abdicated logic for control by any means possible, for example the constant attack with legislation to restrict voting rights. It really is true that if your policies do not have majority support, then either change your policies or try to cheat. It seems that the latter is the Republican choice at this time. Call them on it when it is obvious and quit giving them the benefit of the doubt by not calling them on it. Our media has got to come to terms with being professional. I know many in the genre are paid by the very same who do control the levers of power within the Republican party but for the sake of truth, stand by your principles and let the facts speak for themselves, not the planned talking points. Find the will to be respected as a fact not as an illusion.

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