Wednesday, July 3, 2013

The hypocrisy of expectations we place upon each other (#1615)

This is one of the least talked about phenomenons we humans display in our thinking and behaviors. When I see someone doing something less than what I think they should be doing is what I am talking about. Using myself as an example, in the past I would become critical of those who try to do something good but fall short of it. I didn't necessarily factor in their intent and the abilities they brought to the problem, instead I judged them on their less than stellar result. I was a hypocrite in so many ways! We cannot sit back and judge while others are at least trying. Thinking how to solve a problem is not the same as trying to actually solve a problem. The only expectations we should be placing should be on ourselves to do the best we can. I cannot and should not judge your actions based upon what I think you should be doing. I suppose it is easier to be critical of others when we are faced with a choice between others and ourselves but that is cowardly behavior and not worthy of our species. We are reasoned human beings and even at low levels of cognizance we can distinguish between right and wrong. There is no excuse for behavior that violates the principle that we are most responsible for what we think and do. I learned the hard way that treating others others worse than I treated myself is hypocrisy and not a value worth retaining. A lot of life is trial and error and getting through the lessons as quickly and as correctly as possible is the least we should do if we are not going to use logic and common sense to avoid the pitfalls of trial and error.

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