Saturday, July 6, 2013

The significance of my insignificance (#1618)

Although I am but a split second speck in the continuum of time and space, I do exist and through that existence I am fortunate to have the utility to think and reason about what my miniscule time and space will be like in this existence. I will not be the cause of some major disruption in this dimension but I will send out a vibration that will have direction. Direction that is based upon my choice. A wave of my existence will be no more than any wave of any other persons but mine will be based on a conscious choice and for that I am completely fortunate. I get to choose the effect of my life based upon choices I am given and principles I adhere my life toward. Again, I say that there is nothing exemplary or special about my life but that it is mine to dictate it's meaning. I am the power behind what it is to be me and that I have an idea of how that power is to be motivated and engineered is my privilege. There are billions of us humans alive today and billions of us humans who have already lived so understanding my insignificance is really not a difficult task. But in that realization of my insignificance I also see the beauty of what could be and if I just make my efforts flow that way, I am getting out of life what I want to leave behind when I am no longer alive. A purpose to strive and redeem the best of who we are as a species that has nothing but further evolution ahead of us. As we are not now "Cavemen/Cavewomen" of the past, surely our present form will continue along the adaptive osmotic process to new environmental challenges. Our evolution will continue and the significance of that will give us a more hoped for future effect.

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