Sunday, July 14, 2013

When fear overrides justice (#1626)

We all lose! It is shameful that we allow for our fears to have a place of priority in our calculations of circumstances. The current era of our human species is awash with selfishness and greed that placates our fears instead of ameliorating them. We come from nothing and we are afraid of going back to nothing! Why? It is insanity that we don't recognize we all have a date with nothing regardless of how afraid we are of it. Life is a window of opportunity to be perfect. We won't be perfect in most our attempts but in some we get mighty close and that is a reflection of the best of who we are. Our society makes it tough on us because we place so many barriers to the ideals of justice, equality and fairness on ourselves that rarely do we get to experience a sublime moment. Yet it is there for the taking when we will ourselves beyond the ordinary of expectations. I suspect that we are not taught from birth to respect and defend our species' highest principles as a duty because we are caught up in a society that values success in other areas of living that have little to do with natural human values and more to do with conceptual ones that glorify our baser instincts. We triumph over each other in so many ways that the competition of it is more valued than the idea of eliminating suffering and inhumanity. We would rather amuse ourselves with entertainment than to look out into our world and actually see the death and destruction going on right under our noses. We all are culpable because we have resigned ourselves to ignoring reality and thus we are all guilty of reality's continued effect.

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