Tuesday, August 6, 2013

We are not how others define us as (#1649)

Everyone who wants to define any of us has some agenda for it. Whether because of safety, security or advantage of some sort, no one can say with certainty who someone else is. We find out what a person is like or how a person may act by how they acted in the past. I barely understand the simple forms of who I am so for me to even try to define you or anyone else is a fool's errand, it cannot be done. We all want things in life to be some way or another but trying to get there by using a mechanism of illogic is unfortunate and counter-productive. The complexities that make up our lives cannot be definitively evaluated by someone else when they see actions. We generalize for sure and that does seem to come close to putting us in categories but still those categories are not compartmentalized. We shift in our understandings given the unique circumstances we encounter daily. Some of us are less movable in our attitudes and that is sadly a static concept not worth having. We must all stand on virtuous principle and allow those virtuous principles to be our foundation but from there none of us is predictable or should we be. When nefarious intent is on display a course of action can be interpreted but that still does not define who we are. The human species, all of us humans individually retain a uniqueness that is both priceless and confusing. When we are not under the idea that we have lost our right to think for ourselves in a universal way, we are both startling and surprising in ways that would nor should ever be categorized through simple definitions. 

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