Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Improving society as a purpose (#1901)

Democrats have a goal with which to drive our futures toward. It requires that we all participate and we all are included. Republicans on the other hand have their goal of denying full participation and only including those who agree with them. Now considering these two different philosophies for governing, it makes me wonder why more folks are not coalescing around full participation and inclusion over limited participation and exclusion. Our natures are such that we care and wonder about life and existence as we know it so what other factors could be at play here? Transforming a society like ours, even though it was founded on principles of equality, justice and fairness, and it's application over time has fallen short of those ideals. We came into existence as a country, America, with a less than all inclusive equality and refining our society to overcome and correct those obstacles is a continuing ongoing struggle. We have made progress but the effort is incomplete. Now we have forces that are gathered to not only slow down progress but to also reverse gains made over the last two centuries. It is like a faction of the right wing philosophy of survival of the fittest cannot come to grips with enlightenment regardless of the evidence to it's truth. We are all humans and as such start out in life with that pedigree. Why we should ever want our equality to each other to be segregated by appearance or custom is regrettable. Our uniqueness as individuals is without question and anyone who would think that a privilege or advantage is honorable, based upon some self idea of deserve, is only displaying fear and should be called out for it. We only improve our society when we consider all of us, not just those who we think it applies toward.

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