Monday, April 7, 2014

My enduring struggle to defeat anti-democratic forces (#1893)

I don't expect anyone else to have the passion that I do in advocating for a more equal society, but I do expect all of you to have at least some passion for it. Keeping our democracy in the hands of ourselves and not the moneyed interests it is moving toward is my purpose. I would love to just live my life and enjoy my days doing ordinary things most all people do but instead I am left to fight against forces that would and are undermining our freedom and liberty to define our own society. Corporations and their allies, the Republican party, are reaching ever deeper into our politics and laws with powerful influence in order to grab the power we people have been gifted through the sacrifices our fore-parents earned for us. Corporations are not people, they don't feel the pain of loss or harm like a living soul. Corporations have one trick, one trick only, and that is to profit their owners. Whereas we people have many tricks, we care about life and we wonder about the future. We have emotions and our bottom line is not how much we can accumulate in material totals, but in the quality of life we offer to all of us. It is incredible to me that there are Americans who want to harm other Americans. For what? The shiny pieces of silver traitors receive for selling their souls? "My word is my bond" and that little statement is more valuable than all the material in the Universe to me. I am my own destiny as we all are and if we allow our democracy to be taken over by Republicans representing corporations, then we have fallen back from the deathly bloody sacrifice so many have made on our behalf. All the wars that have been fought by our fellow citizens in order to maintain democracy cannot be given away to devilish souls without us fighting like our honored and brave fore-parents to keep corporations from stealing our democracy.

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