Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Is our generation fighters for good or too lazy to care? (#1950)

All around us are the obvious signs of our society not functioning properly. We have many examples throughout the world to look at for solutions to problems that have been effective but at the core is whether we think we deserve solutions or not. Much of it also is whether we allow ourselves to come out of our safe cocoons to become involved. There is an apathy for facing facts here in America. Surely we don't have the market cornered on apathy but we seem to have more than our share. If you doubt me then please explain why we have only about 50% eligible voter turnout during elections? We are slowly transitioning to alternative energy sources which is good, but that it is slow and with so much resistance is troubling. Our futures and our children's futures are at stake yet we act as if the problem is of little importance. I don't know how to explain it except to think that we are too convinced that we can solve anything at a moments notice so doing any pre-planning is too compulsive. I know we are worried about what we have right now and we don't want to sacrifice ourselves when others are not. A tricky situation. Here is the deal though and why I started this blog. Life isn't about what others do that we think they should be doing, life is about what we should be doing and humbly holding that up for all to see. Our nature is to care about the good and wonder about things. If we are not doing those two things then we are not being who we are which confuses us when we are faced with decisions that require us to have a core set of principles. Our climates health and our democracy of equality of opportunity has to be the prism by which we see all things. Everything else right and good will follow if we hold true to our core.

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