Thursday, July 10, 2014

Democrats unite and vote! (#1987)

We Democrats should have no problem with uniting since the Republicans are hell bent to destroy our American working middle/poor class. Nothing the Republicans have for a party platform improves the quality of life for 90% of us so we Democrats overwhelmingly outnumber the Republicans with sheer volume of voters. That brings me to the second part of my above blog title, "...and vote". Now I know Republicans in many states are passing laws that are aimed at restricting Democratic voters but despite despicable Republican attempts to disenfranchise our vote, we can still overcome their efforts. We need to update our information in order to comply with the new restrictive laws wherever they have been implemented. We need to make sure our friends and neighbors have the help they need to do the same for themselves if they need our help. We also need to advocate for our American working middle/poor class without reservation. Now I know, especially for younger voters, that admitting you are in the middle or poor class is a downer, yet admitting the truth is not a downer but a show of courage that is admired by those principled souls who have the same traits. I have been saying for years that I have little more than a pot to piss in but that is not because I am lazy or not creative, it is because the wealthy have so rigged our economy that unless I am willing to lie, cheat and steal the chances of me being economically successful is minuscule. Now we have a Republican party that not only doesn't advocate on the behalf of most Americans but they are now turning to destroying what little advantage the majority of us Americans still have. Never in the history of our nation has the choice between the two major political parties been so clear. It boils down to Republicans being for expanding the immense success the wealthy already enjoy at the expense of the American working/middle/poor class; or doing the right thing and voting for Democrats who want a better life for the American working/middle/poor class while bringing the wealthy to account for their out of control insatiable lust for further income inequality.

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