Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Republicans and hate (#1985)

I can't think of another word that exemplifies the Republican party and it's conservative members. Hate is all I can come up with when trying to define them in one word. They think that their one vision about life should be everyone's only vision for life and if not then to hell with those who do not hold the vision they hold. It is a hatred of free thought. I don't get how an otherwise enlightened society can be so filled with haters. I know that life has been doubly hard for many lately but that is due to out of control capitalism and the income inequality that it creates. But that is fixable with tax reform. We all get to have a hand in the change so why should there be so much hate instead of simple action to create a society that serves all of us better? I can only surmise that the Republican party has been hard at work trying to divide our society on whatever wedge issues they can muster in order to confuse people as to their intent, which is to maintain out of control capitalism and even greater income inequality. That is greed that if finding ways to fuel hate. Do you sense a pattern here? Taking what is most vile and despicable about our baser traits and amplifying them to an advantage for the wealthy. In doing so many non-wealthy and less knowledgeable souls are now given a platform that supports their own inner hatred for the different than them. They still exist in the mindset of survival of the fittest where people are still considered property more than they are considered equal citizens. The Republican party has removed any semblance of reasoned logic from it's platform and instead has replaced it with divisive policies that are aimed to enhance the wealthy and blame everything else on the Democrats. A simply absurd idea when given in context but not so clear when delivered with their strategic ability to lie about facts. Let it be known however that the Republican party is about hatred and those who still follow them are either ignorant or haters themselves.

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