Sunday, July 6, 2014

The force of your will! (#1983)

How is it I can continuously advocate on behalf of progressive ideals? It is because I am certain that progressive ideals reflect who I am inside me. I want us all to be able to do great things in this life while we are alive as well as leave great things for others when we are no longer alive. It is amazing to me how much force of will I have within me and if I have that kind of force of will within me then it is equal to assume the rest of us have that same powerful force of will as well. That is what equality and justice represents, that we all have the makings of something great just waiting to be given a chance to be expressed. The only way that happens is if we are all starting out in life with the equal opportunities. The case now is that some are given advantage and privilege from birth and most are not even given the equal opportunity chance to begin with. We still allow ourselves to settle for less than even because we don't want to jeopardize what little we do have. Well I for one am not of the nature to settle for less for myself or for anyone else. I will sacrifice what I could have if I would only compromise my integrity, but I will not do that. I have in the past and have always regretted not standing up for what is right and good to settle for what is less and safe. I have no one to blame for my choices than me so many years back I changed how I was going to live in order to become the man I truly am now. I can withstand the threats of disownment by family and friends. I can withstand the loss of whatever treasure I could greedily know I could have. I can withstand the view that though others want to change the world like I do, they are unable for whatever reasons. I can withstand all those things because I am doing and being me for the first time in my life and nothing less or as equally strong than my force of will can ever dissuade me from continuing.

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