Tuesday, August 12, 2014

It isn't enough to question everything (#2020)

Just because I know where to start does not mean that I have arrived. It just means that I am ready to begin. Too many quit thinking when they realize that they must think. It is strange that the work required to be objective is mostly avoided when it is the work required that gives us our own unique perspective. It is not enough to go with the flow and allow others to think for us, we must be part of the thinking as well. Just because we are not well versed in the subjects we need to consider does not prelude us from learning and evaluating the other possibilities. I am not showing wisdom by spouting out someone else's conclusion as my own. Like in Good Will Hunting when the character played by Matt Damon confronts and exposes the college grad student who was trying to pawn off others' opinions as his own. We need to consider others' opinions, give the others that due, and then combine that with our own logical imaginations and thoughts of right and wrong. Learning is the most fascinating thing we do as humans. Consider once again the logic of what we humans are gifted with. We are biological sensory beings, capable of taking in information and with the development of our five senses and our empathetic emotions, in conjunction with our minds and memories, we can reason, analyze and conclude. We are masterful, advanced probes if we so choose. Not dissimilar from what we do when we send out a machine to discover and accumulate information. Although our technology is still in it's infancy as to replicating with a machine what we do as humans, the technology does reflect our nature to explore and learn. It isn't enough to question everything, denotes that nothing is perfectly certain. Although we find that some things prove themselves as far as we are able to understand, we also know that nothing is impossible.

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