Sunday, August 3, 2014

The great American ignorance has to do with capitalistic intellectual dishonesty. (#2011)

There are too many people out there being paid to lie to the rest of us. Those who remain who don't lie are drowned out by the ones who can afford to do the most lying. If you have the misfortune of being raised in communities where established morays and cultural myths are rampant, the chance of you getting objective information is minimal. Despite the great advance of the Internet too many, in poorer states where having a computer or a connection is far too much a luxury than a necessity in this current modern world, have little hope of utilizing it. There are those in old power paradigms that will resist any significant change to the status quo thereby leaving many with no knowledge of the power they could be exerting on these privileged paradigm institutions to change. What I take for granted here in California as normal, in Louisiana and other poorer southern states, is like a fantasy there. Such is the reason we see people often and willing to vote against what would make their lives better and more opportune in favor of policies that don't while keeping the existing power structures in place. There isn't enough courage and will power to change the prevailing dynamic, although many are courageously and willfully trying with all their might, to overcome the customs that have permeated certain regions of our great nation. As a democracy we allow for not only federal rights but states rights and those too many who do control the levers of power in the states have little to gain personally by allowing their power to be shared. So they employ tactics that intellectually harm their populace in order to satisfy their own brand of political satisfaction. Eventually this will end for the populace as the truth of things will bend the arc of justice their way but in the meantime we are stuck with those who use some of our inadequate laws to their selfish advantage.

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