Sunday, August 6, 2017

Selfishness, greed and hatred. Come join the republican party! (#3110)

     The hypocrisy is not lost on those of us on the outside looking in at who and what kind of people are republicans. Oh, they put on a false face and act and do like good people when it suits their purpose but otherwise they are not good people but selfish, greedy hating people instead. I have disowned members of my own family and surely there are more for me to disown that have kept their intolerable behavior from my view. But like all things the truth of things will come around and the exposure is just waiting to happen. I cannot abide nor enable any such beings in my life. I have drawn the line in the sand as a contract with dignity and respect.
     I don't know what others think that this existence is all about but I know that I wasn't born to be a fool like those in the republican party. Their cynical take on life is infectious and the vileness of their illness has spread to those who choose not to be critical thinkers. I call them ignorant but it is not because they cannot think for themselves with a moral certainty but because they refuse to do so because it doesn't personally benefit them in the sacrifice that is demanded by being an enlightened honorable and noble person. They would rather be like the thieves in the night and steal what they have not spent of themselves and then claim to all that they are worthy as they hold up for all to see their ill gotten prize.
     The shallow depth of republican ethics, morality and humanity are noteworthy in that they are obviously absent. Like I said though, when it benefits them they play the good samaritan part but that is because they see a benefit that others may not be able to distinguish and then be fooled as to their intent. Live long enough in some wisdom and the actions of those who otherwise are contrary to their voting, it becomes crystal clear regardless their often hidden purpose. If you are a republican you cannot hide your selfish, greedy hateful self from we who choose to be brothers and sisters of the human race first last and always. Make no mistake, you republicans are the reason we cannot have a world that works toward all being bettered instead of just the selfish, greedy hateful of the republican party.

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