Saturday, May 2, 2009

How to justify Greed (#92)

I have been trying to think of all the ways I can to justify having everything I want regardless of how it affects anyone or anything else. I can go to survival of the fittest and say I'm stronger and more deviously clever so I should have all I want. I could say that capitalism in its perfect form allows me to attain all that I want through legal and governmental sanction. I can say that greed is a natural trait and I am inherently only following my genetic code. I can say a moral/ethical code isn't necessary when I put myself above anything or anyone else, so why should I care what happens to you. I guess I could spend a lot of time listing reasons to support a greedy state of mind. In some possible culture this might even prove to be a honorable principle of the highest order. What's lacking in these aforementioned concepts for justifying greed is the bond of compassion we should all feel for each other. The term heartless comes to mind. The sociopathic/psychopathic behavior comes to my thoughts when I think of greed without any other concern. In our society today there are examples of greed that have been masked in economic terms and philosophies for the purpose of clever deception to fill a need to be greedy. It is important for all of us in society to call these examples out and expose them to principles of truth. My soul is torn with hurt when I see how some of us humans allow greed to blind us to the real harm our selfish actions place upon other humans. Proper honorable human traits would not allow it.

1 comment:

Man of Hope said...

I feel it incumbent upon myself to respond to a comment I have since deleted due to its emotive ad hominens. The particular viewpoints espoused in the comment were acceptable as opinions to be expressed, however the tone and language were not. This blog is dedicated to the good in human nature not its spoiled realities. I apologize to anyone who may have read the comment and was offended. I also apologize to the anonymous writer of the deleted comment as I don't wish to suppress honest opinion but I cannot allow the slanderously harsh language. If the comment had been devoid of personal name calling I would have let the comment remain attached to my post and let the readers of it determine if it should stand on its own merit.