Sunday, June 28, 2009

The principle of self-expression (#149)

The most under-rated form of communication is the action of self-expression. The fear involved in being criticized, laughed at, along with other non-supportive responses inhibit so many of us from expressing our own thoughts and feelings about many subjects. When I was younger, idealistic and impressionable, I was susceptible to listening to others opinions before I allowed myself to express my own true feelings. This pattern was adopted because so many times I was exposed to commentary about my vocal understandings in a way that did not induce encouragement, but rather insured that I would remain doubtful about my thoughts as to them not measuring up to an intelligent level. I will never know for sure the intent of the responses to a lot of my self-expressed ideas or opinions, but I am sure that a motivation to feel superior to someone else is a motivation that has an addictive hold for individuals who live in an ego-driven environment. I will right now say that the world has not lost any great thought or opinion from me due to my neglect to forcefully present it, what I am saying is that the process for expressing any idea or opinion on any subject matter from me had been lessened because I had not been able to appreciate the difference between someone Else's motivation and my own conviction. For this there is only me to blame. I wish I had the ability to believe in myself with enough courage to exclaim my thoughts without allowing how I would be perceived to influence the expression. I, claim my self-expression today, with a fervor and will not allow convention, politics or an occasional tendency toward worrying about how I will be perceived to interfere with my ability to self-express.

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