Saturday, June 20, 2009

The Struggle for Freedom (#141)

Fear can have a grip on a person like no other physical reaction, when a person's life is being challenged. Such is the case when people realize a necessity to stand against a power entity and demand control of their lives back from the power entity. Through the actual act of determination are the bonds of fear broken enough for the person(s) to begin to face the power entity and protest its uneven hold over them. The struggle for freedom is not much different from the the struggle to be born. A will or desire must be strong enough within the individual to go to every length possible to make it happen. This struggle to be born is also determined solely by the one being born, bearing it's burden to survive as it's own individual struggle. As an onlooker watching events happen, I am driven to desperation of thought as to how to help those who would struggle out of the bonds of tyranny or manipulation. I know that if I could help anyone achieve freedom I would not hesitate to do so. However, when it is not appropriate for me to help I can only watch and try to encourage in anyway that I can. Once fear has been conquered and the right and mighty of the spirit is unleashed against those who would deny individual expression then truly the struggle for freedom is underway. I am fortunate in who I am and where I have been born. I understand how privileged I am to have freedom in my life. My heart goes out to any others who don't have what a lot of us have and my hope is that those who would struggle to attain freedom will succeed and if there is anyway at all that I can be a positive influence, to and for them, then I am at their service.

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