Wednesday, September 2, 2009

On the subject of destiny (#215)

Many thoughts are swirling around in my mind this morning about friendship, principle, and how those two go together. My topic is destiny, but destiny is a by-product of how we live our lives. Our destinies will be defined by how our actions and words are expressed. It is in the living of our lives that the truth of our destinies is told. I don't need someone following me around to record for history or posterity my actions and words in order to interpret my destiny. I believe that the universe is my overseer and any and all actions I have or will take has a place in infinity. My conscious is my guide and my belief in a creator is my judge. I am not the sovereign of myself, the universe and existence is. I am the care-taker of my entity and I am only borrowing it for a short time so that I may enjoy sensation and reason with empathy and wonder. In the big picture scheme of life, my participation is relatively insignificant. However, the impact I have on life in general is determined by how much I desire to allow of the creative and caring forces within me to be expressed. I can have an influence over many things, as yet undetermined circumstances, simply by being. It is in the how I am being where my destiny will begin to forge it's definition. All of us are in need of someone or something to be apart of, none of us is an island alone unto our self. It is in this logic of companionship or association that gives us the parameters or boundaries of our cognition and behavior, which can then help us define the how of what our destinies can become. Someone or something is greater than me, so I must know then that I have to respect existence. It is in the respecting that I find comfort and freedom to express and be who I hope and desire to become.

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