Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Which came first, peace or truth? (#222)

This question is fun in that no matter how it is answered the result still leads back to the good or great. Using myself as the model for this discussion, I am unsure. It seems at first thought that truth came first which allowed me to know and understand peace. But then what triggered truth? I have to be in a state of rest and calm, which is like peace, for me to look and recognize truth. This question reminds me of the chicken and egg dilemma, which came first? However I answer at a particular moment, it seems that I would be advised that admitting that I am unsure would be the most correct answer. That I even recognize that peace and truth are such defining principles in my life is a victory for me over the confusion that used to inhabit my thinking. Maybe a simultaneous event occurs that envelops both peace and truth, allowing them to perform instantaneously. I like that answer but again I am only conjecturing on any veracity. My thinking forces my understanding into a compartmentalized viewpoint. I must continue to endure to think outside the paradigms I have been acculturated with and find the whimsy of life or a muse to help me see beyond my own logical and common sense precepts. The happy and joy that are available to everyone in life are out there waiting to be sensed and enjoyed. Existence is the brilliant miracle I know to be. Every second within it has brought me closer to truth and peace, which makes my face relax and a smile to appear.

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