Monday, October 12, 2009

My happiness comes from within me (#255)

There is no doubt within me that my happiness is not dependent on anything outside of me. I have found that living other people's expectations is not for me. Living my own expectations is. My truth can be hard to discern at times but I find that discerning my truth is worth my invested time. Not every solution I come across for myself is a happy solution. I feel lonely occasionally by the outcomes that present themselves to me. I will always be tempted to modify my outcomes in order to be apart of some group so that the loneliness can be abated. I know this temptation is wrong and I will not follow it's allure. Compromising my principles for the sake of my own fallibility's is dishonest and weak. What I have found also is that the greatest achievement I strive to leave in my life's wake is a comprehensive consistency of values and principles in how I live my life. My personal failings are not the point of my life and will not be given any dispensation. The adage, what doesn't kill me makes me stronger, is valid in a metaphorical sense when applied to how I must continue to be the better and best of human nature as an example of who I wish to become. This is the greater goal of mine. I will not sacrifice my truth because I have the outcome of loneliness as an occasional occurrence. My happiness is greater than loneliness or any other personal failing I experience. The shaping of who I am is continual and does not rely on emotional or societal factors, just the best of human principles. True happiness indeed!

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