Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The bigger picture (#369)

Having a view of the purpose I start out with is what I mean by the bigger picture. It is imperative for me to keep my perspective on the task I wish to accomplish. Once a concept has been formed and begun to be implemented, various aspects may come into controversy and attempt to distort the initial purpose. For me, I must structure the purpose as if it is a title to a book. All the subsequent effects become the outline and the body. I find that I am constantly going back to what the meaning of the title is and refocus my attempts to move forward with my task on the same pathway I started out on. There are times when events reshape my purpose in specific areas and I must adapt when change is required. Nothing much is static in this world and my understanding of things should not contradict this idea. However, I must be sure as to the nature of any change that would give the purpose I seek a new direction. Principled ideals have at their core a finite resolution as to their purpose. I find that basing any purpose I attempt on the better and best principles of humanity I am seldom inclined to change much of any aspect I am attempting to forward. My goal is to better the experience of living with the hope that my life would prove of some benefit other than the actual experiencing of it.


Silvia said...

Kto zvolil túto vládu? Väčšina tohto ľudu.
A napriek tomu sa táto vláda, ako aj predošlá správa k ľudu akokeby bol jej nepriateľom. A žiada od ľudu, aby uzákonil osobne svoj súhlas (a jeho podrobenie sa) tomuto nepriateľstvu. Vláda žiada obäte od ľudu. Nežiada obäte od bánk. Prečo?
Vláda zdaňuje pracujúcich a penzistov, nezdaňuje cirkev. Prečo? Vláda presadzuje zníženie platov o 10 percent pri nízkych platoch a o 20-30 percent pri vysokých platoch. V tom istom čase pokračuje v plytvaní peniazmi pre «nevládne organizácie» a pre tisícky výborov, ktoré sú všadeprítomne (a spiace) a pre drahoplatených novinárov, posluhovateľov.
Inými slovami, táto vláda a jej zamestnávateľ Stiglitz žiadajú obäte od ľudu aby ho potom obätovala bankám.
Či v tejto krajine napokon socialistami sú podniky a banky, keďže si tak dobre rozumejú s vládοu?

Útržky z článku gréckeho satirika S.,
(V gréčtne to zneje oveľa jadrnejšie a tak nepokračujem v prekladaní.)

Man of Hope said...

Sylvia, I cannot translate your comment and return a conversation about your content. I apologize for not knowing how to easily translate your comment to my posting. Carl.