Thursday, March 11, 2010

We matter to each other (#405)

It is not up to us to control or expect how others should respect us. We must respect ourselves and continue to do what we do in order to maintain our own personal principles for living. I have learned from an early age that my thinking is not others' thinking. I am only me and that is what I can do best, think for me. I know that sometimes it seems that others don't think for themselves but this is just an illusion. Even if others don't have their own opinion they have chosen to think not for them-self but to let someone or a group think for them. That is a choice, a conscious thought to abrogate their opinion to someone or something else. I do not recommend doing this since it takes from the giver and gives to the taker an individual privilege reserved to each of us as a fought and died for liberty. The concept of how and what life should be is founded in the notion that as an individual, we have a right to be alive. What we do with this right is often less than the greatest we can do. Life is so short and making a mark or difference in life seems so noble and expected from each who has the power of decision making. Giving decision making over to others seems so less like living with liberty and more like living without it.

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