Monday, August 9, 2010

What I know about life (#556)

Some very basic things come to mind. I know that no one deserves anything unless they are willing to give it away. We are all special and are worthy of being alive. What we do with our lives defines who we are. Not what we think necessarily but what we do with those thoughts. My take is that life gives us opportunities to define who we are. What is really important is to first know who we are. Well, here is the crash course for all of us. We care and we wonder. Simple. Other things want to come into our minds to try to define us but those things are actions or thoughts that have lead us to this point. Let them go and get ready to start our new day being the caring and curious person we are for the rest of your life. Next, do only things that have a positive effect for everyone or most everyone. So before we act we must think about the consequences of our actions. We are the only one who we can work to make better every single moment. Our individual life is our responsibility above and beyond anything else. Next comes what we can do for others. Remember, it is always better, as a rule, to be selfless than it is to be selfish. This is a great guide. The real prizes in life are not necessarily material, although some necessities are real prizes, but the feelings we have within us when we effect a positive outcome to a problem. Self-satisfaction can be good when the solution is for someone else. Some important things I know about life.

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