Sunday, December 12, 2010

Bravery is sublime (#681)

Perfection is a sensation. A feeling of being one with all the Universe is an emotional experience unlike anything I have ever felt. I know several people who would question my sanity for making such a statement since they cannot fathom how an innate concept can be felt. I tell them that it is through the act of bravery that a feeling of perfection comes into existence. My argument is up for question with them since they no not of what I say. The actual act of bravery must be performed for the test, of whether a feeling of perfection exists or not, to be verified. Most are not willing to defend to the very core that which would be described as a brave endeavor. To put oneself in a position of vulnerability is seen by many as ignorant or the ultimate foolishness. So much of our society is wrapped around the concept of protecting our individual self, even to the extent that it harms others to do so. That is seen as the proper way to exist as opposed to bravely protecting those ideals of a virtuous human conscious from violation. The fear-ridden notion that we recede inwards into a shell of protection is only advocated by those who have not felt the sublimity of bravery. Once I had achieved this feeling of perfection, my perspective about who I am and what is important in the world had changed. I do not take advice that contradicts principles of virtue, I do not take suggestions or follow the lead of those who would put their right for more above those who have less. Words like courage and bravery mean something special when you have paid a price to learn them through action. They have length, depth and breadth, they are what is of the best of what exists within our souls. Concepts that when experienced will enlighten a person to the full experience of what it is to be human.

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