Friday, December 10, 2010

The importance of truth (#679)

Yesterday's post was focused on honesty and how we need to have it as the first premise of every thought we have. Today I want to continue along that thread of thought to explain the importance of truth. Truth gets us to honesty. When we have the clarity of reality before us, when making decisions based upon truth, it allows us to present ourselves in an open and clear light for interaction. In my personal experience, I have found that when I am dealing in truth, and the facts of it, I am thoroughly engaged. I listen to responses with an acuteness reserved only for the logically rational. In other words, I am, who I am supposed to be, when in the presence of truth. My spirit, my mind and my emotions are all on the ready for understanding. It is as if without the truth I am less of who I am and less optimistic about who I will be. I need air, water, food, shelter etc... but as well I need truth just as vitally. I know I can continue to survive in  our present society without the truth being dominant in all things, but I also know that I am not fulfilling all my potential when I am not surrounded by the truth. Many reasons are given for sheltering us from the truth but the sheltering is an illusion. Not only that, it steals from us our true reality which is ours to perceive and live within. I am not naive in the idea of why truth is so elusive to many of us. There are agendas by powers that be who have, perceived and real, advantages in maintaining acts of illusion. But my response to that is "at what cost?" Is it so hard to imagine that we could all tell the truth and achieve those things we strive for? If we all give each other the respect of being honest, have we not then risen up off the solid foundation of truth?

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