Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Vigilance as a requirement (#676)

One enduring trait all of us should have learned to keep close to us is the action of being vigilant. "the ability to maintain attention and alertness over prolonged periods of time."-Wikipedia. Nothing in this life should give us the impression that we are immune to being made unsettled or uncomfortable by the whirligig of confusion that envelopes our existence. Whether it be environmental or societal, we are at the mercy of forces outside and beyond our control. If we are to maintain and/or improve our lives we must be aware of what could happen as well as what is happening. Our focus on the generalities and the specificities of what is happening around us is our own responsibility. We are in a state of existence where we are beginning to rationalize our promise and also our vulnerability. For our futures to come to fruition our very present must become solid and foundational with the best of our principles for living. Whatever they may be they must define us in action and thought. We have to remain vigilant in expressing who we are and what we see as our future. Not all futures will look the same and some will have different pathways to them, regardless, anything worth achieving requires sacrifice. I trust the natural instinct and overall general welfare we have for our species. We are an enlightened, creative, decent form of life and the continuing of us into time immemorial should be what all of us aspire toward. Staying "on guard" is a watchword for being vigilant. If we want to keep the best of who we are in practice and thought we have to stand upon a determined vigilance to defend and fight for our hopes and dreams. Our work is never done and rest is only a pause to re-energize. The notion that we have done our part and it is time to relax and enjoy the fruits of our overall labor is an illusion. Life is hard and needs to be fought for from the first breath to the last. 

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