Sunday, August 14, 2011

Learning is never-ending (#926)

I have this same experience everyday, I learn something I didn't know the day before. Sometimes I learn small things now that I am older and have learned a lot already but other days I learn great things and I get to see that life has so much more to it than I expected. It is so easy to get drawn into the idea that my world view is mostly complete since I am well read and have heard many stories. However, actually experiencing the world is something I am not familiar with in my little corner of it. I have allowed my mind to feel a sense of knowledge about generalities and thoughts that are not true. I need to instead leave my mind open and admit that I do not know. I am not some wise man who can answer any question posed to me! I know this now more than ever and I suppose it will be my lifelong endeavor to not try to answer when I think I know. I heard a remarkable saying awhile back it went like this, "only an ignorant man would answer every question put to him." What this tells me is that by not recognizing that I need to learn more I have become that ignorant man. Nothing like a metaphorical cold slap in my face to remind me to keep my mind open and my humility at the forefront of who I am. I love living in this existence and in this society. Learning is still being promoted as a priority. However, education is being promoted less so in our current society by a powerful group of people, but we can still change that course with force of will. History has shown that the struggle to pull ourselves out of the mysticisms and myths of an earlier unenlightened era is a continual process. We must never take for granted that the past traditions of our cultures have a lingering and attractive sentiment to them. To move beyond the illogic or fantastical, we must be able to apply ourselves to objective reasoning and hopeful discovery of all that is around us, both within and outside of us.

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