Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Stunting our own growth (#1069)

As we look to the past for guidance in how we move into our future, we often incorrectly assume that our past behaviors are consistent and worthy of enduring. However, we are a dynamic species and as of yet have not tapped the massive potential we posses. I am saying that what we see as past human behavior is just momentary and that our thoughts and actions need to evolve over time just as our analytical skills. What scared or frightened us 500 years ago now is explained through knowledge and reason. The myths and fears of our history are being exposed as illusions perpetrated to control behavior. Our strong force of will is undeniable yet we still do act as immature children afraid of the boogeyman. What a strange paradigm we allow ourselves to exist in when we are given a blank sheet to become whomever we truly desire to be. We seem to quit on ourselves and our expressive abilities due to uncertain thinking or fear of the unknown. I am but a snapshot in time and as such cannot fully understand the bigger picture of our own human evolution. However I can see that within this snapshot of time I exist within, there is no real concerted effort to train ourselves away from the myths and superstitions of the past for a new enlightenment that justifies environment over psychology/philosophy/theocracy. Our minds are capable of imaginings of unlimited possibilities, yet we yoke ourselves to belief systems and previously learned behavior patterns as if they are the ultimate and not our own dreams and hopes. In other words, we are terrible guides for our own development. Whether it is fear or whether we are being manipulated by ourselves, regardless, time is slipping from our era without us moving forward and is being replaced with the comfort of a status quo that negates our species growth.

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