Thursday, January 12, 2012

Goodwill and gratitude (#1077)

None of us can make it here in existence alone. We may think that we can pile up resources and let those resources secure us from anything we do not wish to experience, however we can not live alone, separate from everyone else. As if to cushion us from reality, we try to create our own artificial world as if we were demigods with that capability. What we find instead is that no matter how layered we try to insulate ourselves in every facet of living, we all must have human contact. Living in an illusion sounds palatable at times but the falseness of it can only sustain our needs for so long. The better choice is to be in reality and trying to shape reality so that all of us can have less of a stark and dreary life. We kindle within us a refreshing spirit for living when we are battling for a cause that is beyond our own selfishness. Instead of building walls around our lives to keep others out, we find that breaking down walls to let others join in is the best way to fulfill the betterment of our own lives. The paradox of giving to receive does actually have merit as a truism. When I stop fighting to implement my egoism upon the world, I succeed in finding my happiness. Life should not be a brutish, begrudged chore. Life should have work that is looked upon as goodwill and be accompanied with gratefulness. We have all, always, had the ability to have happy lives we just don't know how to do that. It is simple really, we need to care about more than ourselves. We need to express our lives in ways that look upon life with optimism and the need to improve life where it does not meet our own standards. Easier said than done of course but knowing what to do is a lot better than not knowing even that much. When and if that day comes when we all see the need to live together, without the barriers we erect from each other, we will at least know how to move forward.

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