Saturday, February 25, 2012

Inculcating our best behaviors (#1121)

Here is the simplicity of life in one little phrase, a good life is about making good choices. We all have choices to make everyday. Some are trivial and of little consequence and others are much more important in the priorities of our lives. However, every choice must be approached the same way by us. We must have some defining principles in our lives that begin every choice on the same foundation. In other words, our first choices in life must be about who we are and what we want to represent. For most all of us we share the same starting point, we are human and have natures that define that both psychologically and physically. As physical beings, we have for the most part the same sense perceptions and body utility functions. This allows us to define boundaries that are very similar with each other. We also have the same psychology in that we can think and assess, both reason and analysis to a conclusion. This logical sequencing allows us to arrive at similar conclusions, which then can be formed into preferred behavior patterns about our society but even more so about the future of our society. Choices, this is all about choices and each and every one of us has to be involved with our own input. We are responsible for our own selves as natural rule of life. We must all take the time to know the best of humanity and desire for it to be a part of our own humanity. We are not born with pre-knowledge of why we are living here in this existence, yet we are given some abilities to live in this existence, and as such we should use those abilities as best we can to be the best we can. The choices we make define who we each are and we are each given the choice to make it so.

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