Sunday, February 12, 2012

Controlling our/my emotions (#1108)

Now this is one of the greatest understatements of all time. So easily said yet so hard to do. It is as if our emotions are directly wired into our thought patterns. Like they they flow as one when emotion is triggered. Personally, I find that many of my emotions have been controlled by me and that offers some hope but with some others I have been unable to corral them. I am still working on corralling them but I am 56 years old and haven't as of yet. lol. Still though, I do have some success which keeps me trying. The main reason though to keep trying is that when I am not able to control my emotions, it seems that trouble follows right after that. Either I upset some others with my childlike behavior or I make decisions that hurt myself and/or others. Out of control emotion, manifest as behavior in me, is not a value or a positive event. Why I am not always able to keep my composure when I do get emotional is a failure on my part of maturity and self-control. Accepting that emotion will play a role in my life has somehow totally eluded me. When I am not vigilant about my emotions is when my emotions get the best of me. Here it is for me, I am sensitive to wrongs or harms being done and want to lash out at those who are committing them. I have a bit of a hero complex with a sensitive awareness. This dynamic within me is the catalyst to me doing things beyond my logic to analyze first and then proceed. I get angry and lash out. I am human and thus will make irrational decisions. This is no excuse but it is the premise for my unwanted emotional displayed actions. If I can keep myself frozen in time when my emotions are triggered, that few seconds before reacting would make all the difference in the world. I am working on pausing before reacting and hopefully before too many years down the road I will have achieved much better success.

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