Friday, January 11, 2013

I am still me (#1442)

No doubt, no doubt all of us have entertained the thought about what life would have been like if earlier in our lives we had made a different decision at a pivotal time in our lives. The many hours I have given to thinking about this is probably no different than the rest of you out there. I often find a way to glorify my life in some way that denigrates to some extent the decision I did make. However, that is just my imaginings I have come to conclude, because regardless of any different path I would have followed, I am still just me. Maybe the style of life I have lived would have been better but maybe it would have been worse. What we all must remember, especially me, is that the thought about the pivotal event is the only real choice we had some control over, everything after that would have been left to fate, out of our control. What would have happened the very next moment is not an ability for anyone with any certainty to know for sure. That is the logic that always brings me back to where I am today. I didn't choose another path and yet here I am writing about what could have been. It does seem quite silly of me to be reminiscing about a past that I cannot verify to it's veracity, but I guess, haha, that is the point of an illusion, it is all about guessing. I am well satisfied with my life today just as it is, but I know that it could have been better had I chosen differently. But again, it could also have been worse and for that I am grateful that my perspective accounts for objectivity, or in other words, both the good and bad of what could have been. The choices I made got me here and for that I am fortunate. None of us can control the whirligig of life outside our limited controls so thank you destiny for where I am today.

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